After taking... a few... months off from blogging, I'm back at it. Not daily, that will mess with your mind.
However, one thing I miss from regularly blogging is the internal processing I engaged while doing daily blogging. While going about my day, I would often jot down bullet point notes of ideas or remarks I had that could be a future blog post.
Most of them didn't go anywhere, but it did great things to increase my recollection of events and, perhaps more importantly, remember my lessons learned from small events.
So this blog is back. For me. I like writing (and reading) these posts so will give it a go again. I also loved asking others to post and will definitely do that again - what a great way to learn something from a friend!
-Until the next one.
However, one thing I miss from regularly blogging is the internal processing I engaged while doing daily blogging. While going about my day, I would often jot down bullet point notes of ideas or remarks I had that could be a future blog post.
Most of them didn't go anywhere, but it did great things to increase my recollection of events and, perhaps more importantly, remember my lessons learned from small events.
So this blog is back. For me. I like writing (and reading) these posts so will give it a go again. I also loved asking others to post and will definitely do that again - what a great way to learn something from a friend!
-Until the next one.